Slovene Company

Corporate solutions in Slovenia

Register a company in Slovenia with professional assistance. We cover various corporate solutions including accountancy and document preparation.

Business formation timeline in Slovenia

Are you ready to achieve your goal of becoming an entrepreneur? It is crucial to properly navigate the process of forming a company for a successful start, and Slovenia offers a conducive environment for business ventures. This detailed guide takes you through the entire process of going from an idea to officially establishing a company, providing approximate timelines and useful advice to help you make informed decisions.

A step-by-step guide

We have outlined the essential procedures for setting up a company, including an approximate time frame and our comprehensive strategies to simplify the process for you. It is important to note that the timeline for starting a business may differ greatly, as each company’s registration process is distinct and influenced by its specific circumstances and requests.

Define your business plan (1-2 weeks)

Before beginning with the formalities, it is crucial to have a well-defined strategy in place. Our team of experts is ready to provide professional guidance and help you develop a comprehensive corporate plan tailored to your goals and objectives. Schedule a consultation with us to kickstart the process.

Reserve your company name (1-2 days)

Choosing a unique and enduring business name is a crucial part of the marketing strategy. We offer fast and simple name reservation services, ensuring that your desired name is readily available and secured immediately.

Draft and sign the articles of association (1-2 weeks)

Our team of legal experts help you draft and review the Articles of Association, which define the legal structure, purpose, and internal rules of your company in accordance with Slovenia laws and regulations.

Opening a business bank account (1-2 weeks)

In order to conduct financial transactions for your company, it is necessary to open a business bank account. The necessary documents, such as identity papers, proof of business registration, and other relevant paperwork, must be provided. Typically, this process takes between one and two weeks.

Deposit share capital (1-2 weeks)

Companies in Slovenia must deposit a minimum share capital based on their chosen legal structure. Our team will help you with the paperwork and assist in depositing the necessary funds into your new bank account to ensure that you meet all legal requirements.

Register your business (1-2 weeks)

Enrolling your business in the Trade and Companies Register is a crucial part of establishing your company. Our team of experts takes care of the necessary paperwork, communicates with the relevant authorities, and speeds up the registration process, which helps you save time and energy.

Obtain necessary permits and licenses

Based on the nature of your company’s operations, you may need certain permits or licenses in order to operate legally in Slovenia. Our team of regulatory specialists will help navigate you through the intricate process, determine the required permits, and support you in achieving them effectively. The timeframe for obtaining the necessary permits will depend on the type of license needed.

Tax registration (2-3 weeks)

Registering for taxes is a crucial step in establishing a business, as it involves obtaining a special tax identification number. The process of tax registration can vary in length, but it typically takes around two to three weeks to complete.

Set up payroll and employment contracts (1-2 weeks)

Establishing compliant payroll and employment contracts is essential if you are looking to hire employees. Our team of HR professionals can help you with implementing payroll systems, creating employment contracts, and making sure you are in line with labor laws, allowing you to concentrate on forming a skilled workforce.

Establish accounting and bookkeeping practices (2-4 weeks)

Having precise financial records is crucial for all businesses. Our team of accountants can assist you in implementing strong accounting and bookkeeping procedures to adhere to the accounting standards in Slovenia.

Starting operations

With all regulatory requirements met, your company is ready to begin operations. The timing of this step will depend on factors such as the type of your company, market conditions, and your readiness for the market.

Form a company with us

Are you ready to begin your business venture in Slovenia? Contact us immediately for a consultation and let our experienced staff guide you through the process. We collaborate to achieve your business objectives.

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